Learning has always been part of life. Just like how food and water are essential for our bodies, information and continuous learning nourish our minds.
As a business owner and leader, the key to achieving true, ongoing success for your organisation comes down to prioritising your time to learn. Constant innovation and emerging trends in today’s fast-paced world requires you to keep up, find better ways to improve your critical thinking skills and adopt a ‘growth mindset’. That’s why committing to learning and development over time is an important attribute for all entrepreneurs.
Unfortunately, most people find themselves stuck in the belief that they already know everything they need to know. As a result, they stop learning, which hinders them from being able to adapt to new opportunities and develop their skill set to keep up with their industries.
As a Professional Coach to many business leaders, I always recommend the “DGLPA formula” to guide you towards prioritising learning to improve your business.
Read on to find out what this acronym means, and to get a copy of my ultimate business owners’ reading list!
What is DGLPA?
Businesses must change over time if they want to survive.
However, many business leaders are so overwhelmed by how fast the industry landscape evolves that they often don’t know how and where to get started.
If you’re reading this blog, then you’re already on the right track towards improving your business and lifestyle. “But how, Stephen?” you may ask.
Simple! Get a piece of paper then write across the acronym DGLPA. This stands for:
- Dream
- Goals
- Learning
- Plan
- Action
This will serve as your comprehensive guide to reach business success. Let’s start with the first letter:
- Dream
All of us have dreams. However, we often dream too small.
Dreaming big will give you a sense of accomplishment and can set your sights on something great – both personally and professionally – which will then give you the motivation to make changes and take actions towards that dream.
- Goals
Now that you know what your dreams are for your lifestyle and your business, start mapping out your goals.
Setting goals are an important part of running a successful business because they are the targets that align with your dreams. Having clear, well-defined goals can help you take control of your career and business direction, and increase the chance of achieving them.
- Learning
Dreaming big and setting realistic goals create your frameworks. However, you need to have the expertise and the skillset to take full advantage of them – and this involves continuous learning and self-development.
Whenever I’m asked by my clients: “what’s the one piece of advice you’d give to a business owner?”, I always say, “NEVER STOP LEARNING!”. Having the right knowledge will ensure you have everything you need to act.
- Plan
Not having a comprehensive plan for your business is like going on a hike without a compass.
You can follow a trail but at some point, you might get confused and eventually get lost. So, mapping out your plan is a great habit to get used to, and this can act as your guiding light towards your business goals.
To learn more about great work habits, have a read of my previous article, How to develop healthy work habits.
- Action
Now that you have already mapped out your goals, plans and decided to expand your knowledge, it’s time to take action.
At first, it may feel as if you’re riding on a run-away steam train but trust me, this framework will ensure you’re on a steady journey towards your success. Once you get the hang of everything, you’ll find your momentum. Remember, stick to your plan and grow alongside your business.
“But I don’t have the time to expand my knowledge, Stephen.”
This is something many business owners say, but when you think about it, it comes down to prioritising learning as a smart investment. You can always make the time for it despite your busy schedule.
For instance, if you don’t have the time to sit down and read, you may choose audiobooks which are helpful if you’re always on the go. This kind of innovation gives you the chance to adapt your learning to your own style and convenience.
Remember, the price of enrolling into a masterclass is nothing compared to the excellent return on investment that you’ll get. Knowledge is something that no one can take from you and it always pays to upgrade yourself!
Do you want my ultimate business owners’ reading list?
and keeps your critical thinking wheels turning.
As a Business Coach and Mentor, I work with business owners like you to help you achieve your business goals through continuous learning.
I can give you my list of great books that you can read to help you become a successful business owner and leader.
Simply schedule an initial discovery call today with me.
Stephen O’Sullivan
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